Current Rates


Certificates of Deposit (CDs)

Effective 3/6/2025

CD SPECIALS -  $1000 minimum  / consumer accounts only 
TermAPY*Interest Rate
15 Month 4.04% 4.00%


 $1000 Minimum
TermAPY*Interest Rate
3 Month .75% .75%
6 Month 1.51% 1.50%
12 Month 2.52% 2.50%
18 Month 2.01% 2.00%
24 Month 2.27% 2.25%
36 Month 2.27% 2.25%
48 Month 2.52% 2.50%
60 Month 3.03% 3.00%
$20,000 and Over
TermAPY*Interest Rate
3 Month .85% .85%
6 Month 1.61% 1.60%
12 Month 2.62% 2.60%
18 Month 2.11% 2.10%
24 Month 2.37% 2.35%
36 Month 2.37% 2.35%
48 Month 2.62% 2.60%
60 Month 3.13% 3.10%

Account Rates

AccountAPY*Interest RateMinimum Opening Balance Requirement
IRA 2.52% 2.50% $100
HSA $0-$49,999 .50% .50% $100
HSA $50,000 - OVER 1.00% 1.00% $100
HIFI $0 - $19,999 .50% .50% $1000
HIFI $20,000 and Over .75% .75% $1000
NOW $0 - $19,999 .50% .50% $1000
NOW $20,000 and Over .75% .75% $1000
Savings .50% .50% $100
Child Savings .50% .50% $25
Silver & Gold Christmas Club 2.52% 2.50% N/A
Prime Money Market $20,000 - $75,000 .75% .75% $1000
Prime Money Market $75,000.01 - $150,000 1.00% 1.00% $1000
Prime Money Market $150,000.01 - $250,000 1.51% 1.50% $1000
Prime Money Market $250,000.01 and Over 2.53% 2.50% $1000

SOME RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY AND RATES MAY VARY. Please contact a bank employee for details.
Penalty for Early withdrawal on CD’s
*Annual Percentage Yield               
Fees may reduce earnings.
Rates are subject to change.

See Truth & Savings Disclosure provided at account opening.

Member FDIC


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