Service |
Fee |
Account activity printout, each |
$2.50 plus tax |
Account research or Account balancing, per hour |
$30.00 plus tax |
Additional statements, each |
$5.00 plus tax |
Automatic transfer from savings to checking, or checking to savings |
$1.50 plus tax |
Cash Advance |
$10.00 plus tax |
Counter checks, each |
$1.00 plus tax |
Credit investigations, each |
$30.00 |
Dormant Account Fee -applies monthly to accounts with 1yr of no activity |
$5.00 plus tax |
Faxes - Local, per page |
$2.50 |
Faxes - Long Distance, per page |
$5.00 |
Letter of credit, each |
$30.00 |
Lost passbooks, each |
$5.00 |
Personal money orders or Cashiers' Checks, each |
$5.00 |
Photocopies per page |
$1.00 |
Stop payments - all items, each |
$30.00 plus tax |
Telephone transfer from account to account |
$.250 plus tax |
ATM/DEBIT card cash withdrawal at ATM's we do not own or operate, each |
$1.50 plus tax |
Non-Customer transactions on ATM's we own or operate |
$2.00 |
Replace lost or damaged ATM/DEBIT card, each |
$10.00 plus tax |
Rush order for ATM/DEBIT card |
$5.00 plus tax |
Special Rush Order for ATM/DEBIT card (Two Day) |
$80.00 plus tax |
Transfer funds to another account at ATM's we do not own or operate, each |
$1.50 plus tax |
Deposited checks (and other items) returned unpaid, per check or item |
$5.00 plus tax |
Garnishments, Executions, Levies, each |
$50.00 |
Overdraft and Non-Sufficient funds (NSF) fee's on Regular Checking accounts, each item (not applicable to CSB free )
-accounts may be subject to fee each time a debit item (check, ACH, withdrawal) is presented for payment regardless of whether we pay or return the item. Debit card or ATM transactions are not subject to Overdraft.
$25.00 |
Overdraft and Non-Sufficient funds (NSF) fee's on CSB free checking & Savings Accounts, each item
-accounts may be subject to fee each time a debit item (check, ACH, withdrawal) is presented for payment regardless of whether we pay or return the item. Debit card or ATM transactions are not subject to Overdraft.
$30.00 |
Online Bill Pay - user will be provided a 6month free trial period, after the trial period has expired user must conduct at least one online bill pay transaction per month to avoid monthly fee of $5.00 |
$5.00 |
Online Bill Pay - Overnighted Check |
$14.95 |
Online Bill Pay - Same Day Bill Pay |
$9.95 |
Safe Deposit Box size 3X5 |
$10.00 |
Safe Deposit Box size 3X10 |
$25.00 |
Safe Deposit Box size 5X10 |
$30.00 |
Safe Deposit Box 10X10 |
$55.00 |
Key Deposit |
$10.00 |
Drill Entry (loss on one or both keys may result in drilling the lock) |
$185.00 |
Wire - International, each |
$60.00 |
Wire - USA, each |
$30.00 |
Iowa State Sales Tax will be charged where applicable |